Wholesale Market Asian F&V Report - New York, NY
NEW YORK Terminal Prices as of 14-AUG-2020                                     
Provided by:  Specialty Crops Market News                                      
              Federal - State Market News Service, USDA.                       
Phone:  (718) 542-2225     Fax:  (718) 378-0891                                

Weather at 7:00 A.M. Mostly Cloudy 75                                          
Yesterday's High 82  Low 63                                                    

MISC ASIAN VEGETABLES                                                          
---BEAN SPROUTS: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   10 lb film bags MA 9.00 5 lb film bags
MA Offerings insufficient to quote                                             
---BITTERMELON: OFFERINGS NONE.   30 lb cartons HD AIR Indian offerings        
insufficient to qiuote                                                         
---BOK CHOY:  MARKET ABOUT STEADY.  30 lb cartons CA 28.00 fr cond 22.00 1 7/8 
bushel cartons CD Quebec 24.00-26.00 few 22.00   (1.8 BUCTNS) 22.00-24.00 2    
bushel cartons NJ 20.00-22.00 10 lb cartons Local Repack Baby Bok Choy Green   
Stem (Shanghai) 10.00 20 lb cartons MX Baby Bok Choy Green Stem (Shanghai) fr  
appear fr cond 10.00 30 lb containers CA Baby Bok Choy Green Stem (Shanghai)   
Offerings insufficient to quote CD Quebec Baby Bok Choy Green Stem (Shanghai)  
22.00-24.00 occas higher 1.35 bushel cartons NJ Baby Bok Choy Green Stem       
(Shanghai) 24.00-25.00                                                         
---CHINESE CABBAGE: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   50 lb cartons CD Quebec Nappa           
20.00-24.00 mostly 22.00 30 lb cartons CA Nappa 22.00-24.00 1.6 bushel cartons 
CD Quebec Nappa 24.00  (1.8 BUCTNS) 2 bushel cartons NJ Nappa Offerings        
insufficient to quote                                                          
---DAIKON: OFFERINGS NONE.   40 lb cartons CA Topped Offerings insufficient to 
---LO BOK: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   1 1/9 bushel cartons CD Quebec 23.00-26.00  
mostly 24.00                                                                   
---LONG BEANS: OFFERINGS NONE.   10 lb cartons per lb Local Repack Offerings   
insufficient to quote                                                          
---MOO: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   1 1/9 bushel cartons CD Quebec 24.00                
---OPO (LONG SQUASH): OFFERINGS NONE.   40 lb containers DR offerings          
insufficient to quote HD Offerings insufficient to quote